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It depends on the age of the person with a temp. If it is an infant 0-3 months then a rectal temp over 100.2 needs medical attention. Rectal temps of 102.0 in babies is need for a call to the pediatrician. Otherwise, it's not always wise to reduce a fever since it's a natural occurence used by our body to fight viral and bacterial happenings. If this fever persists for 3 days, then see a doctor. Otherwise, it's not too high, just uncomfortable --- as always bedrest and fluids are essential! It depends on the age of the person with a temp. If it is an infant 0-3 months then a rectal temp over 100.2 needs medical attention. Rectal temps of 102.0 in babies is need for a call to the pediatrician. Otherwise, it's not always wise to reduce a fever since it's a natural occurence used by our body to fight viral and bacterial happenings. If this fever persists for 3 days, then see a doctor. Otherwise, it's not too high, just uncomfortable --- as always bedrest and fluids are essential!

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12y ago

no but it is a temperature for a serious cold or flue

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