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Q: 3 reasons why the European's were able to conquer the native Americans?
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Why did the europeans want to conquer the native Americans?

Because they wanted power and to have the country by themselves.

How are Native Americans and the the spanish europeans different from each other?

The native Americas are the native people from the Americas when the Spaniards, the Spanish people from Europe conquer America.

How did the arrival of europeans affect the native americans in mexico?

The arrival of the Europeans did not affect the native americans in Mexico.

What did the Europeans in the native Americans have in common?

What do Native Americans and Europeans have in common

Why were spanish able to conquer native Americans?

The Spanish, and in fact all Europeans, had much better military technology than the natives.because they had guns and weapons to conquer !

Why were the Spanish able to conquer Native Americans?

The Spanish, and in fact all Europeans, had much better military technology than the natives.because they had guns and weapons to conquer !

What factors led to the conquest of native Americans by the spanish?

the native americans were weakened by various diseases that were brought by the europeans e.g. small pox, measles and chicken pox the europeans used superior weapon , had helmets for protection during the fight , and also had horses which the native americans had neverf seen before, the native americans thought that all that was taking place was a sign of the end of the world . there was division and therfore disunity among the native americans, this made the europeans conquer them easily due to their division.

How could 500 Spaniards conquer 15 million Native Americans?

The Spanish had guns and other weapons while the Native Americans had very little in comparison.The tribes were also weakened by disease brought to the New World by the Europeans.

Who did the Europeans get the ideas from?

Native Americans

What happened to the Native Americans when the Europeans arrived?

When the Europeans arrived, thousands of Native Americans died of smallpox. Not only that, but Europeans slaughtered thousands of Natives under the order of President Andrew Jackson. The surviving Native Americans were forced on to reservations.

How did the Europeans gain control over the Native Americans?

The Europeans gained control over the Native Americans by taking their land and their important riches.

What caused the deaths of many native Americans after the arrival of europeans?

Many native Americans succumbed to the diseases brought over by the Europeans, as they had no immunity.