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1 They can breath air through their lungs and water through their skin

2 They have a skeletal/muscular system designed to handle the gravity.

3 They have webbed feet designed to help them swim.

... anything else would depend on the species of frog.

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Q: 3 things why frogs can live on land and water?
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What prevents frogs to live on land?

frogs do live on land. not all species of frogs live in water.

Do frogs live in the sea or the land?

Frogs do not live in the sea, they require fresh water, such as ponds or swamps. They are amphibians, so that they live both on land and in the water.

Why does frogs live on lands?

Frogs dont always just live on land, some live on land and in water because frogs need water to keep their skin moist so they dont dry out.Hope i helped:)

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Forgs in the water and land?

yes they live in both frogs are amphibians i.e they can live in water as well as on land

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well frogs have legs and can live on land in addition to the water.

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both,poison dart frogs live both on land and water . Mostly in rainforests .

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young frogs have to constantly be re-hydrated in a body of water.

Why are frogs said to have two lives?

Frogs live one life in water, and the other on land.

What can live on land and in water?

The scientific term for an animal that can live on either land or in water is "amphibious" - many reptiles, such as frogs, are amphibious.

What are called animal live on water and land?

amphibious e.g. frogs

Why do frogs and crocodile live both on land and water?

Because amphibians and reptiles lived in water and land. as always