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A DNA molecule that resembles a spiral staircase is called a double helix. The double helix is formed as a consequence of its secondary structure. This is an important component in helping determine its tertiary structure.

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Q: A DNA molecule has a unique design that resembles a spiral staircasescientists call this design?
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A DNA molecule has a unique design that resembles a spiral staircaseScientists call this design a?

b. double helix (just took the test)

A dna molecule has a uniqe design that resembles a spiral staircase scientists call this design?

A DNA molecule has a unique design that resembles a spiral staircase that scientist call a double helix. It is a winding, two stranded chemical structure.

A DNA molecule has a unique design that resembles a spiral staircase Scientists call this design?

A DNA molecule has a unique design that resembles a spiral staircase that scientist call a double helix. DNA is a two stranded and is a winding chemical structure.

A DNA molecule has a unique design that resembles a spiral straircase Scientists call this design a?

Double helix.

A dna molecule has a unique design that resembles a spiral staircase what do scientist call this design?

A double helix.

A DNA molecule has a unique desin that resembles a spiral staircase scientists call this design a what?

A double helix.

A DNA molecule has a unique design that resembles a spiral staircase Scientists call this design a?

A Double Helix.

What does scientists call a DNA molecule that resembles a spiral staircase?

It's a dual-helaxiocase.

A DNA melecule has a unique design that resembles a spiral staircase scientists call this design a?

a (double) helix.

What are the bases 4 found in the rungs of the spiral molecule?

If the spiral molecule is DNA then the four bases are Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine and Guanine.

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A grand design spiral galaxy (like Whirlpool Galaxy) has prominent and well defined spiral arms, whereas a flocculent galaxy (like Sunflower Galaxy) has short segments of spiral structure, "fluffy" in appearance, but without the dramatic well defined spiral arms of a grand design spiral.

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