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I believe minus A in this case means the complement of A; everything that is NOT in the set A. Taken from some larger, given, set, of course, of which both A and minus A are subsets.

I believe minus A in this case means the complement of A; everything that is NOT in the set A. Taken from some larger, given, set, of course, of which both A and minus A are subsets.

I believe minus A in this case means the complement of A; everything that is NOT in the set A. Taken from some larger, given, set, of course, of which both A and minus A are subsets.

I believe minus A in this case means the complement of A; everything that is NOT in the set A. Taken from some larger, given, set, of course, of which both A and minus A are subsets.

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14y ago

I believe minus A in this case means the complement of A; everything that is NOT in the set A. Taken from some larger, given, set, of course, of which both A and minus A are subsets.

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Q: A is measurable if and only if -A is measurable in measure theory?
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Kinetic theory explains the measurable volume of a gas, by stating that, the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to the pressure exerted on it, where pressure is created by the number of molecular collisions.

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yes.since this functin is simple .and evry simple function is measurable if and ond only if its domain (in this question one set) is measurable.

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