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Q: A lack of which hormone results in cretinism with mental retardation and abnormal growth in children?
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Does too much thyroid hormone produces cretinism in children?

No. Too little thyroid hormone produces cretinism in children.

What hormone is responsible for cretinism?

cretinism is hypothyroidism in neonates.lack of thyroxin due to abscence of thyroid gland in neonates causes cretinism.

A lack of what hormone results in the abnormal growth if children?

The hormone is the growth hormone. It is responsible for growth

What are medications for cretinism?

thyroid hormone replacement

What hormone causes cretinism?

Cretinism is a type of dwarfism in which the individual retains childlike proportions and is mentally retarded. The hormone that causes this is Thyroxine - AKA- T4.

What hormone is produced in inadequate amounts for cretinism?

Thyroid hormone.

What hormone if produced inadequately would cause cretinism?


A lack of which hormone results in mental retardation?

it has nothing to do with hormones.

What is cretinism disease?

Cretinism is a condition of severely stunted physical and mental growth due to untreated congenital deficiency of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism). The term cretin refers to a person so affected1.1.

What causes abnormal levels of thyriod hormone?

Lots of things. TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone) may be abnormal due to hypo or hyper thyroidism. Perhaps you should type TSH into google.

Which disease occurs with undersecretion of thyroid hormone?

Undersecretion of TH during fetal development or infancy cause cretinism, a condition characterized by dwarfism and delayed mental and sexual development.

What does Cretin mean?

idiot: a person of subnormal intelligence. or just awesome.