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Q: A loose cluster of branched flowers characteristic of the shrubs lilac buddleia?
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A bouquet can refer to a cluster of what or the what of wine?

A cluster of flowersor the aroma/smell of wine.

What is an anthotaxy?

Anthotaxy is the arrangement of flowers in a cluster.

What kind of flowers is actually a cluster of tightly packed ray and disk flowers?


Long cluster of flowers on one stem?


Does a money plant flowers grow in clusters or singly?

they grow in a cluster

What is an anthela?

An anthela is a cymose corymb - a cluster of flowers with a flat or convex top - with the lateral flowers higher than the central flowers.

What do peacock butterfly caterpillars eat?

Exactly what it ate as a caterpillar. 'Adults drink nectar from flowers: favourites include buddleia and lavender. Caterpillars eat stinging nettles.'

What are clusters of flowers at the top of a stem called?

Inflorescence is a term that refers to a 'cluster of flowers' on a plant. Each slender stalk to which each cluster is attached is called 'pedicel'. The stalks are attached to a stem that's called a 'peduncle'. The stems are attached to main branches that are called 'rachis'.

What is a group of flowers called?

A group of flowers may be called a bunch (a group of things growing close together); a cluster or clump. A bouquet is a group of flowers arranged for its beauty.

What kind of flowers actually a cluster of tightly packed Ray and disk flower?


What kind of flower is actually a cluster of tightly packed ray and disk flowers?


Do all mosses have flowers?

No mosses have flowers they are non-flowering plants.