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no, it requires the permission of the court.

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Q: After divorce can the mother change the name of the child without formal permission from ex-husband who is also the biological father of the child?
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Not without permission of the court.

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Depends on the ruling during the divorce.

In India after divorce can the mother change the name of the child without formal permission from ex-husband?

Well ! Yes.

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No. A stepparent has no legal authority in regards to non biological children. He or she cannot give a stepchild permission to marry, leave the custodial parent or any other legal issue. If one biological parent has sole custody he or she can give the minor child permission to marry. If both biological parents share custodial rights, both must give permission for an underaged minor to marry.

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That is not his decision to make. The child can not be given up for adoption without the biological mother's permission. And then the court will decide of she's allowed to adopt.

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Divorce is something that happens between spouses, not between parents and children. A child's refusal to see the father does not affect the father's child support obligation.

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I dont think so

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Pregnant without permission or marriage without permission? That's not very specific.