

All of Laura Ingalls Wilders books?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Little House in the Big Woods
Farmer Boy
Little House on the Prairie
On the Banks of Plum Creek
By the Shores of Silver Lake
The Long Winter
Little Town on the Prairie
These Happy Golden Years
The First Four Years
On the Way Home
West from Home

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When did Laura Ingalls Wilders Dog Jack die?

This is not known. The Ingalls family dog Jack was given to the person who bought a team of horses from Charles Ingalls, as Jack was very devoted to the horses. The family had other dogs later on, all of whom were referred to in Laura's books as "Jack", though they actually had different names.

Are any of Laura ingalls wilders family alive?

No, all members of Laura Ingalls Wilder's immediate family have passed away. Laura Ingalls Wilder was known for writing the "Little House on the Prairie" book series based on her childhood experiences.

What were Laura ingalls wilders contributions?

She helped her community by teaching at schools, helping in town and all the things that would help a young village on the prairie to grow. She was also a successful author.

What contributions did Laura Ingalls Wilder make to the community?

Laura Ingalls Wilder made significant contributions to literature by sharing her experiences of pioneer life in her "Little House" book series. Her writings have provided valuable insight into American history, inspiring readers of all ages. Additionally, her books have helped preserve the memory of the hardships and joys of early settlers in the American Midwest.

Did laura ingalls wilders sibling survive?

Yes, Laura Ingalls Wilder had three siblings who survived into adulthood: Mary, Carrie, and Grace. Caroline, her younger brother, died in infancy.

What were Laura Ingalls Wilders problems?

Laura, her sister Carrie, and her sister Grace all suffered from Diabetes - in Laura's case, it was not diagnosed until about three months before she died. If Mary or Laura's Ma suffered from the disease, there is no record of it.

What was luara ingalls wilders accoplishments?

Laura Ingalls Wilder was a successful American author known for her "Little House" series of children's books, inspired by her own pioneer childhood experiences. Her books have been beloved for generations, depicting life on the frontier in the late 19th century with vivid detail and a sense of nostalgia. Wilder's work continues to be a favorite among readers of all ages and has had a lasting impact on American literature.

What were Laura ingalls wilders health problems?

Laura Ingalls Wilder suffered from a variety of health problems throughout her life, including recurring bouts of pneumonia, diphtheria, and a stroke. She also experienced other ailments such as measles and black diptheria when she was a child. Despite these challenges, she lived to be 90 years old.

How was Laura elizabeth ingalls wilder childhood?

She answers that all herself in her series of books- Little house on the prairie. you should read them for a full account

What is Little House on the Prairie about?

The Little House series of books and the TV adaptations called "Little House on the Prairie" are all based on decades-old memories of Laura Ingalls Wilder's childhood in the Midwest region of the United States during the late 19th century.

What countries were influenced by Laura Ingalls Wilder?

Lauras series of books have been published in many countries around the world, and are beloved in virtually all of them, but the books were especially well-loved in Japan.

Who were Laura ingalls role models?

Parents: Charles and Caroline Ingalls Sisters: Mary and Carrie and Grace Ingalls Brother: Charles Ingalls Husband: Almanzo Child: Grace Laura still has relatives alive today, there are some in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Tucson. Although, they are cousins, Great Grandchildren of Peter Ingalls (Pa's older brother). The Charles Ingalls lineage died with Rose Wilder Lane.