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Not enough information is given to answer the question properly. You MAY be eligible but you would have to check with your local State Unemployment Office. Under the circumstances, don't be too surprised if your former employer challenges your filing for them.

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Q: Am i eligible for unemployment if i was fired as part of lawsuit settlement?
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Can you get unemployment if fired for sexual harassment?

I believe pending what state you live in you would be eligible for unemployment

If you have been threatened to be fired can you collect unemployment in the state of Illinois?

If you have only been threatened with terminated, you cannot collect unemployment. If you have been fired, you can apply for unemployment benefits and they will determine if you are eligible for benefits.

Can you get unemployment in California if fired for wrong doing?

No. part of the requirement is that you were fired through NO fault of your own. If you were doing wrong, you're not eligible.

When fired from a job after 25 years is there a formula to determine the amount of settlement?

No. In the event a person is fired from a job, there is typically no settlement. If there is a lawsuit, the settlement or damages would be calculated based on the alleged wrongful conduct of the employer and the circumstances of the employee.

Are you eligible for unemployment in California if you are fired for theft on the job?

Probably not, as theft would be considered gross misconduct. But you can still try

Who pays unemployment benenfits in New Mexico?

If you are fired from a job, through no fault of your own, you may be eligible for unemployment benefits. For the first 20 weeks, unemployment will be paid by your previous employer, after that, the state of New Mexico will pay the unemployment benefits.

Do employers pay fired employee's benefits?

No. An individual is not eligible to collect unemployment if they were fired from their position (unless they can show some reason that would show they were unlawfully terminated, but that is a case of its own).

Can you get unemployment due to being fired for refusing to take a different shift at work?

You could be eligible for unemployment benefits if you are discharged for refusing work during a shift you have never worked or agreed to work for the employer.

Can you collect unemployment if you were fired and you have been retired for a year?

The firing can be investigated and challenged. If you are retired, then no, because you have to be continually seeking full time employment to be eligible.

i work for a convienence store chain and have been there for 16yrs. i have never filed for unemployment in my life. the company is everyday telling me my job is on the line and that i will be fired for inventory on july 9th. if they do what is my next ste?

I would definitely seek unemployment benefits if you do get fired. You might even want to consider a possible lawsuit.

Can you collect unemployment once your settlement agreement stops and you are not paid any longer?

You can collect unemployment only if you qualify under state law - you have no income and you are actively seeking work, and you were not fired for a disqualifying reason.

Can you claim unemployment if fired in Nevada?

According to the Department of Employment, Training, and Rehabilitation, you are only eligible for unemployment if you are fired for a reason other than "misconduct as defined by law." That will usually mean that if you did something to the detriment of your employer which caused you to be fired you are not eligible for unemployment. However, you should apply for unemployment benefits anyway. The agency will review your specific circumstances and make a decision - the worst that can happen is that they will say no!