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Q: Am taking Slim-quick diet pill you just found out you are pregnant will this harm fetus?
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Will taking Alli while pregnant harm the fetus I just found out I was 7 weeks?

Alli is a Category B drug. That means that it hasn't been tested on pregnant women. It didn't show any adverse affects on pregnant animals in testing, but animals and humans can react differently. Discuss it with your OBGYN.

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Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) isn't hazardous to pregnant women or the fetus.

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They have not found any effects on the fetus but advise you ask your doctor anyway.

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The Rh factor is a protein found in red blood cells. Most people are Rh positive, but if a woman is pregnant and Rh negative, this could definitely affect her fetus causing brain damage, or even death in the fetus or newborn.

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A fetus gets all of it's nutrition from their mother. The mother has all of the nutrients and passes them along to the fetus.

You just found out that you are pregnant but you are very worried because you were taking xanax almost every day before you found out will this effect your baby?

youre going to tell someone immedietley

What damage might be caused if drank and smoked and now 3 weeks pregnant?

Rest easy, it is unlikely that there would be any damage to the fetus if you drank alcohol or smoked before you found out that you were pregnant. Now is the time to stop, continuing to drink alcohol and smoke could affect the baby.

What is the possibility of pregnancy with taking pregnancy pills?

If you take your pill EVERYDAY at the SAME TIME the birth control pill is 97.9% -99.9% effective. If you miss a pill or switch times, you reduce the effectiveness. I was on Yaz when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. I had been taking it at 8 am everyday and was 10 weeks when I found out I was pregnant by accident at a regular pap appointment. It does happen!

If you stop taking birth control 5 days after sex can you be pregnant?

Five days is long enough to wait; but if you don't want to get pregnant, be sure that you've found an alternative way to protect yourself.

Is there really a pregnant man?

The person is in fact a transexual. It is a woman who has not yet had 'the operation'. Her partner is another woman and they have found out that the other woman can't have kids, so this one stopped taking the drugs, got pregnant by a sperm donor and is now pregnant.