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Q: Apply the concept of aspirational groups to Victoria's Secret pink line should marketers have boundaries with regard to this concept?
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Apply a concept of aspirational groups to Victoria's Secret Pink line?

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When was the marketing concept born?

In 1951 the earth moved. That was the year marketers first embraced the marketing concept. The marketing concept decrees that customers should be the focal point of all decisions about marketing mix variables.

Explain why elasticity of demand is such an important concept to marketers who sell a commodity product?

Elasticity of demand is important to marketers because it helps them know the optimal price for the product. When a product is priced too high, the consumers may opt for a competitor's product.

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it transcends old tribal boundaries and made possible political unity among Arab clans.

Do marketers create needs or do needs preexist marketers?

* There was a time when the concept was "Make-&-Sell"(product centered) and the job was to find right customer to your product. * With the globalization and the tremendous technology change which in return has created the necessity. * We all know that"necessity is the "mother of invention". * Therefore there is no denying of the fact that, if the need that creates the market.By,Runu ChakrovortyFrom:CHANDPARABIRBHUN,WEST BENGAL.

What is the difference between absolute differential threshold?

ABSOLUTE THRESHOLD The smallest intensity of a stimulus that can reliably evoke a sensation. EXAMPLE THE IMPACT OF UPWARD PRICE MOVEMENTS ON DAILY HOUSEHOLD GOODS. THIS SHOWS THE IMPORTANCE OF MARKET SEGMENTATION AND THE ASSOCIATED PRICING POLICIES. ================================================== DIFFERENTIAL THRESHOLD. Difference Threshold: The difference threshold, also known as the just noticeable difference (jnd), is the minimum difference in stimulation that a person can detect 50 percent of the time. We experience the difference threshold as a just noticeable difference. For example, let's say I asked you to put your hand out and in it I placed a pile of sand. Then, I add tiny amounts of sand to your hand and ask you to tell me when you notice any change in the overall weight. As soon as you can detect any change in the weight, that difference between the weight of the sand before I added that last bit of sand and the amount of sand after I added it, is the difference threshold. How do marketers apply the concept of differential threshold or 'just noticeable difference' in their marketing strategy? Explain giving suitable examples. The concept of differential threshold is applied to almost all aspects of marketing strategies. 1.PRODUCTLINE EXTENSION. This concept is applied to the advertising/ promotion of the productline, in order to exploit the strength of the original brand. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS The marketers' apply the concept of differential threshold in the selection of the distribution channels, for the various products from the same family productgroup. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.PRODUCT PRICING The marketers' apply the concept of differential threshold in the PRICING of the two brands from the same company --like two toothpaste brands from one company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.PRODUCT PROMOTIONS The marketers' apply the concept of differential threshold in the DEVELOPMENT/ IMPLEMENTATION of the sales promotion programs in two channels to maintain similarity / cost down. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. PRODUCT PACKAGING The marketers' apply the concept of differential threshold in the PACKAGING of the various models of the company products / to create uniform image. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. PRODUCT PERCEPTION/ IMAGE The marketers' apply the concept of differential threshold in the PRODUCT POSITIONING in more than one market segments. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

How many edges in a circle?

An edge is a concept that applies to 3-dimensional objects and is the intersection of two planes that form boundaries of the object. None of these apply to a circle so the answer must be none.

What is meant by the concept of contextual lives?

The concept of contextual lives involves looking at all information as a whole, considering both the facts and where the facts originate from. In marketing, contextual lives involves using technology to create behavior profiles about the likes and dislikes of each different person. Marketers and advertisers are then able to market specific products to each person in hopes of increasing sales.

Explain the difference between product concept production concept nad marketing concept?

The Marketing Concepts have evolved during the period of human existence. Chronologically they are : # Exchange Concept # Production Concept, # Product Concept, # Selling Concept, # Marketing Concept, # Holistic Marketing Concept. Now we are required to explain the difference between "PRODUCTION", "PRODUCT" & MARKETING" concepts. Here they are : # Production Concept - This concept is one of the oldest, and suggests that the consumers will like to buy the products which are available easily, cheaply & widely. So the marketers must have a mass production facility (efficient production) with low price ( cost efficiency) and make it available very near to the customers (mass distribution). This concept is adopted when the Company wants to expand. # Product Concept - This is the next step of evolution of marketing concepts. It depicts that customers will go for those products which offer quality, utility, features, performance, value, benefits, etc. So the marketers must improve the products in an innovative way & continuously. This is more often accompanied by a suitable pricing, distribution, promotion (all the 4Ps of marketing). # Marketing Concept - This concept was evolved in the 1950s, and for the first time the attention was shifted to Customers. Instead of concentrating on the Products / Production / Selling, the business became "Customer Oriented". The "Make & Sell" philosophy gave way to the "Sense & Respond" philosophy. Instead of finding the right customer for the product, the marketer now has to find the right product for the customer. This concept holds the secret of the company being more effective than its competitors in creating, delivering & communicating superior value to the targeted customers. Reference : Marketing Management - By Philip Kotler & Kevin Lane Keller - 12th Edition. Chapter - 1. = By Himansu S M