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it depends on the police departments to make it efficiency. If u want to ask them call them.

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Q: Are Many police departments are turning to a flat organizational structure for the sake of efficiency?
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How phosphorus in aluminum electrolysis affects current efficiency?

Phosphorus increases electrical resistance so it would negatively effect current efficiency in the electro chemical process of smelting aluminum. That is why Phosphorus is not used in primary production of aluminium. The process of taking refined bauxite (alumina) and turning it into pure aluminum uses an enormous amount of electrical power so any reduction of electrical resistance can improve efficiency and save a great deal of money.

If you have a turbine with 1 square inch blades and a 100 lb weight fixed onto it does that mean it will take at least 100 PSI of pressure to get it turning?

There are many more factors such as efficiency of the design, weight distribution etc.

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