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yes, all humans are born with blue eyes but they

change color or stay the same in the first year of life.

The answer above is right and wrong. Not all babies are born with blue eyes, however, all babies no matter what nationality or race do start out with blue eyes. Blue eyes is a recessive gene which is why in most cases, the eyes change color after a period of time. But even for babies born with brown eyes, they did start out blue. It just depends on the melanin exposure and when it hit. So, the eye color can see change within the womb but it is always originally blue.


I was born with brown eyes. I still have brown eyes. They have darkened. But they've always been brown.

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14y ago

Babies of African and Asian descent are usually born with brown eyes that stay brown. Caucasian babies are often born with steel gray or dark blue eyes; they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time they're 9 months old. That's because a child's irises (the colored part of the eye) may gain more pigment in the months after she's born, but they won't get "lighter" or more blue. (Green, hazel, and brown eyes actually have more pigment than grey or blue eyes, even if they appear lighter in color.)

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12y ago

Most Babies look like they have blue eyes when they are born but sometimes they don't stay blue and sometimes they do...When, I was born my mother said I had very dark brown eyes and they stayed that way, sometimes they change to green and hazel then back to brown, and My sister had blue eyes up till she was 3 years old then they changed to brown...Eye, color changes blue/green/grey/brown/hazel and others colors because of the pigment in your eyes, you can look it up on Google. Some, peoples eyes don't stop changing until they are Adults and some change when they are 3 years to their official eye color.

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13y ago

its all a natural effect, the eyes and the hair growth.

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12y ago

Of course, they are also born with different eye colors

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12y ago

of course not I have 4 children 3 with drk brown eyes and 1 with light brown eyes, o yea I'm African American. Maybe all white children start off with blue eyes

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12y ago

All babies are born with blue eyes, dont know why but if the baby has caught different genes, the babys eye colour would change eventually to the right colour.

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Q: Does everyone have blue eyes when they are born?
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it depends on other relative aswell but everyone is born with blue eyes and whenm they get older they change

Why do you have blue eyes when you're born?

Everyone has blue eyes when they are born. Its just your natural color when you are born. Then when you get a little bit older, your eyes either change color like brown, hazel, green, Green-blue. Your eyes change color because of genes. And traits. But if your eyes were meant to stay blue from genes then your eyes are blue. Most people have brown eyes. Also blue too. Its not a very good chance you will get green-blue eyes.

What does blue eyed mean?

It means that your eye colour didn't change as a baby (everyone are born with blue eyes).Can I just say, that the person who wrote the statement above is WRONG, not all babies are born with blue eyes, its a myth. Stupid.

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Everyone should know that spongebob has some big beautiful blue eyes

Does black babies have blue eyes?

I am black and my mom said I had blue eyes when I was born. If I am not wrong I think all babies are born with blue eyes.

Why is everyone born with blue eyes?

Because they have at least one ancestor with blue eyes. The first person with blue eyes had a genetic mutation, and that mutation was passed on. EXAMPLE: My fifth grade teacher had bright, sparkling blue eyes. Her granddaughter did, too. Neither of her granddaughter's parents had blue eyes, and her son-in-law's family didn't have blue eyes, as far as anyone knew. because blue eyes have the least pigment

Why does your dog have a blue eye?

Well, a dog is born with different color eyes and if it has blue eyes when it's born then that's nature or say it was born with brown eyes and it grew into blue eyes, then that's NATURE!

Are all calves born with blue eyes?

No. Blue eyes in calves is a very rare genetic occurrence. Almost all calves born into this world are born with brown eyes, not blue.

Why lithuanian people have blue eyes?

That's because not everyone has them

Do even black babies have blue eyes when they're born?

No, not all babies have blue eyes when they are born. Some babies are born with very dark eyes.

Is everyone that has blue eyes related?

No. It was a gene passed on by their parents not mankind. If their parents gave them the genes then they have blue eyes but if not than they have some other color of eyes.

Your mom has blonde hair and blue eyes and your dad has brown hair brown eyes and everyone else in your family has brown or blue eyes how did you get green eyes?

Green eyes and blue eyes are caused by the same gene. The amount of melanin in the eyes determines the eyes color.