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I dont know if you would call them side effects exactly but yes they are annoying symptoms of pregnancy.

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Q: Are bloating and some weight gain in the first 3 months side effects of pregnancy?
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It could be bloating or rapid weight gain.

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Side effects include bloating, weight gain and acne, although some birth control pills actually improve acne.

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The side effects of Seasonique include nausea, bloating, cramping, breast pain and tenderness, swelling of the breasts, and freckles or darkening of the skin on the face. Other side effects include changes in appetite or weight.

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Sometimes eating reccomended foods for your blood type can cause side effects. You should find positive side effects such as weight loss but sometimes you may find negative side effects. Negative side effects may include weight gain, fatigue, and inflammation and bloating. It all depends on your body.

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In general, women gain pproximately 2 to 4 pounds during the first three months you're pregnant and 1 pound a week during the rest of your pregnancy.

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Un-healthy eating can cause mood swings, bloating, lack of nutrients ot the body, naseua, indigestion, gas, and weight gain.

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it is quite likely that if you are spotting blood and your stomach feels bigger then you are pregnant. spotting blood is often a sypmtom of early pregnancy. if your stomach feels bigger, it could be the result of numerous things such as bloating, weight gain or pregnancy. if this is happening to you then i highly suggest you do a pregnancy test.

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Swallowing air doesn't make you gain weight, but it does cause bloating. Bloating can make you look like you have gained a little bit of weight, until it stops.

You miss your period for 3 months and no weight gain are you pregnant?

Weight gain is irrelevant during the first trimester. If you had intercourse and missed a period pregnancy is possible.

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It's called bloating.

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weight gain -- bloating and distended abdomen from production of stomach acide