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Coati is the proper name as coatimundi only refers to the lone male in the wild. I would check with the local agencies in charge of dealing with exotic animals to see if they are legal there. Take this advice from someone who has owned several coatis in the past and currently is holding one for a wildlife organization, coatis are wild animals. You can take the animal out of the wild but you can not take the wild out of the animal. They are not domestic animals and do not make good pets. Coatis, especially males, have huge canine teeth and are capable of inflicting serious injuries. Most bites from coatis happen when the human owner does not understand that any wild animal will react instinctively and quickly to any action it considers a threat. The animal has no control over such reactions. What you may consider as a harmless action may be interpreted totally differently by the animal. Simply removing an empty food dish of picking up feces may earn you a trip to the emergency room. Enjoy them in the zoo but do not attempt to take one home.

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