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Coffee grounds have been used to repel certain types of insects due to the high acidity in coffee. It is especially useful on scale and mealy bugs. Your palm being a "dwarf" doesn't have anything to do with the affects of coffee. You can even add some gounds to water in a water bottle and spray the whole plant. Ammonia works well too as a spray.

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Q: Are coffee grounds good for dwarf palms?
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Would a mulch of coffee grounds harm earthworms?

No. Coffee grounds are good for worms. They assist in the worm's digestion.

Can coffee filters remove bacteria?

Coffee filters keep the coffee grounds from falling into the finished coffee during brewing. Coffee grounds are necessary for percolating, but are not good to drink because they have an unpleasant texture. Coffee filters are very effective for this purpose.

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Are coffee grounds good for dog wood trees?

Used coffee grounds are a great soil amendment. High in acid they are fine for dogwood trees. Most insects do not like coffee grounds and will avoid them, so spreading coffee grounds around a dogwood will also help rid you plant of over wintering leaf eating insects.

Can old coffee be used for anything?

Yes. Used coffee grounds are being used for firelogs. A process of compacting and drying the used coffee grounds has been in place for several years. Used coffee grounds also make a good soil amendment and is a favourite food for worms in a vermifarm.

Do coffee grounds help plants grow?

Yes, coffee grounds are good for citrus trees.Specifically, coffee grounds have about twice the nitrogen content that it has of phosphorus and potassium. They improve soil fertility and encourage soil food web life. For example, they repel slugs but attract earthworms.

Is Coffee dangerous to the ozone layer?

No. Burned coffee grounds might be dangerous to the ozone layer. And since they are good fertilizer, don't burn them.

Are coffee grinds good for azaleas?

Yes! Sprinkle used coffee grounds around plants before rain or watering, for a slow-release nitrogen.

How does coffee grounds affect the growth of plants?

It gives a good effect on roses but that'd all I know

Are coffee grinds good for the garden?

Using left over coffee grounds in your garden is an excellent way to improve the soil. Coffee used as a mulching agent offers beautiful black borders, especially against brightly-colored flowers. Coffee grounds are slightly acidic and full of nitrogen, a mineral that aids vegetable and plant growth.

Can coffee grounds help herbs grow?

this question has vexed the profession for many many years, and although it has yet to be satisfactorily answered what is agreed is that the used coffee grounds send slugs into caffeine heaven before they explode. (much in the same way that beer does, but without all the empty calories)