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Elephants (in particular, the African elephant) and the largest (heaviest) of land animals. Blue whales are the largest mammals. Giraffes are the tallest land animals.

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11y ago

NO whales are well only the humpback whale! hope thatt helps :D

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Q: Are elephants the largest living animals?
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Do African elephants weigh 500lb or 1100lb?

Neither. Elephants are the largest living land animals. African elephants range in weight from 10,000 pounds to as much as 16,500 pounds.

Are African elephants largest land animals on earth?

yes they are

Why do animals leave elephants alone?

. elephants are the largest land animals, so other animals get out of their way very quickly because the elephants size is intimidating to smaller creatures. when an elephants is enraged, it will attack and, sometimes kill the other creature

Which animals teeth is the biggest?

Elephants have the largest teeth for their tusks are actually modified incisors.

Are american elephants endangered?

Elephants aren't native to America, so there isn't a specie of American Elephants. What you have are African or Asian/Indian Elephants, living in America. Not the same thing. Endangerment is about the animals in their natural environment, not about animals in zoos, circuses or other artificial settings.

Are gorillas the largest living creatures?

Definitely not. Elephants are much larger, and blue whales dwarf both of them.

Are elephants th biggest land animals on earth?

Yes, the African Elephant is the largest land mammal on Earth

What is some information about African Elephants?

African Elephants are the largest land animals known to man. They are often hunted and poached for their tusks. These elephants are also considered highly intelligent as they share many evolutionary traits with humans.

What are mammoths like?

mammoths are generally animals resembling elephants. they were living before n during the age of dinosaurs.

Are afrian elephants the largest than Asian elephants?

African elephants are larger than Asian elephants.

What are the largest animals living in the sea?

Seals and whales it depends on the species

Are elephants the biggest mammal?

No. Whales are mammals, and bigger than elephants. Elephants are the biggest land-living mammals though. No. There are several kinds of whales that are larger than elephants. However, the African Elephant is the largest mammal (or animal of any kind) that lives on land.