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I don't think that frequent hic-ups during pregnancy are anything to worry about. Every body is different and many women experience different "symptoms" during pregnancy - it's all about how YOUR body reacts. When your contractions are regular and occurring every 4-5 minutes, you should call your doctor. However, if you feel a need to call or go to the hospital sooner - DO IT! It's better to be safe than sorry, and a woman's instinct is usually right on! Take care.

I had the same problem with hiccuping up until about a month ago. Now I have only 3 weeks left till delivery. I don't know if the hiccuping is normal, but my baby is healthy and so am I. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. ! hello

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Q: Are frequent hiccups normal in pregnancy and how far apart should contractions be before you go to the hospital?
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Are frequent hiccups normal during pregnancy?

Hiccoughs are always normal. Don't worry so much!

What causes frequent hiccups?

usually when you laugh alot, that's what mostly causes hiccups

Is hiccups an early sign of pregnancy?

Possibly, but it's not a very reliable symptom. Many people get frequent hiccups occasionally and aren't pregnant. If you are later for your period, take a home test. If you don't want to wait that long, go see a doctor.

Is hiccups and urine leakage signs of pregnancy?

No. Neither have anything to do with pregnancy.

Does thinking of a grey horse cure hiccups?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that thinking of a grey horse can cure hiccups. Hiccups are involuntary contractions of the diaphragm, and remedies like holding your breath, drinking water, or swallowing sugar can be more effective in stopping them.

How do you get hiccpus?

Hiccups are caused by involuntary contractions of the diaphragm muscle. They can be triggered by various factors such as eating too quickly, consuming carbonated beverages, or sudden changes in temperature. Typically, hiccups go away on their own, but holding your breath, sipping cold water, or breathing into a paper bag can help alleviate them.

What do fetal hiccups feel like?

Fetal hiccups feel like gentle, rhythmic kicking or taps in the same area for a few seconds up to many minutes. The further along a woman gets in her pregnancy the stronger the hiccups become until you can see the belly jump where the hiccups are originating.

What cuases hiccups?

Hiccups are caused when you have contractions of the diaphragm. The diaphragm is what makes your lungs take in oxygen and expel it.

How early do you feel hiccups in pregnancy?

With the first baby, the movements are usually feltbetween the 18th and 20th week of pregnancy (although the baby actually begins to move from as early as the 9th week). In subsequent pregnancies, movements are usually felt between the 16th and 18th week.

Is it normal to have really bad hiccups after a C-section?

No, this is a big problem, it usually means they have slightly torn your histolic membrane which can lead to hiccups and pulmonary infection. You should get to a hospital as soon as possible as this is quite serious.

How do you get hiccups away from dogs?

My female puggle gets hiccups, its just like as if & when we get hiccups, but not that loud! for example she will be sitting there & then start to get hiccups and since her mouth is closed her head goes back (kinda like when one sneezes) and her belly expands and you hear a slight hiccup, it will happen a few times in a row. She did it more frequent when she was a puppy and now it rarely happens.

Is having constant hiccups feeling constantly tired and sick and getting easily upset signs of pregnancy within the first couple weeks or so?

I never heard of hiccups as being a symptom of pregnancy but the others that you listed are in fact symptoms of pregnancy I would suggest that you take an at home test or make an appointment with your doctor to have a blood test done to see what is going on and you can get whatever medical care you need Good Luck and God Bless!