

Are grudges real

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Of course grudges are real. People hold grudges against each other all the time. There are probably at least a few people whom you hold a grudge against: people who bullied you in school, or a co-worker who made up lies about you, or a friend who betrayed you.

It's normal to hold a grudge against people who have hurt you. Everyone has held a grudge at one time or another.

If you're asking whether the curse shown in The Grudgemovies is real, then, a curse and a grudge are not the same thing. In The Grudge movies, it was the woman's grudge against her husband that caused the curse.

I suggest you look up the word, "grudge" in the dictionary. It is an extremely common word and there is no excuse for not knowing what it means.

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Grudes are formed when you have to go to the bathroom.

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To err is human, to forgive is divine.

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MINE ! I harbour no grudges . . . .

Do grudges exist?

Well it depends on how you think about it because there are 2 types of Grudges. 1. The creepy demented gross girl in the movie The Grudge........... No That is a Japanese myth. 2. A feeling of ill will or resentment: to hold a grudge against a former opponent........ Yes. People always hold these types of grudges.

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No they don't remember certain people

What can you hold but can not touch?

Attention, meetings, grudges..................... your breath

How can you stop the grudge from killing you?

Put any grudges behind you, move on, start a new phase in your life, having grudges is too stressing and takes far too much energy.

What does carrying grudges is like carrying open flame in your pocket means?

it means never put an open flame in your pocket because if you do then youl probly die. And holding grudges are bad