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What are the distinctions between Human Rights and Fundamental Rights?

Fundamental rights are similar to human rights but are different in the sense that they have legal obligations and are enforceable in a court of law but human rights do not have such legal obligations and are not enforceable in courts. The other distinctions between HR and FR are as below:

v Human rights are relatively new concept while fundamental rights are protected by constitutions of various countries is older.

v While there is no consensus on universal human rights, fundamental rights are specific and have legal sanction.

v Human rights are more basic in nature than fundamental rights.

v Human rights are applicable to all human beings on the earth whereas fundamental rights are country specified.

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12y ago

There are no such things as "Human" Rights or "Fundamental" Rights. They are "buzz" words and catch-phrases which attempt to lump together a plethora of Utopian ideas that attempt to describe what some believe to be the inalienable RIGHTS that all human beings possess. These "fundamental" "human" rights are not written or codified ANYWHERE, they are simply an idea - an unattainable goal.. . something that is known in the practice of Propaganda as a "glittering generality".

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14y ago

By strict definition, they are. However, what some like to call fundamental human rights aren't treated as fundamental in many cases.

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