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Those symptoms can occur when you're pregnant. If you are having cramps, I would suggest you see a Dr. since there could be something wrong with the baby. Also, light headed might mean you are lacking vitamins and such.

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Yes they can both be early signs of pregnancy.

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Q: Are light-headedness headaches fatigue and cramps symptoms of pregnancy?
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well pregnancy symptoms can start prior to period. 1week before your period symptoms may be seen. fatigue,nausea,frequent urination are the signs you can notice.

What pregnancy symptoms start showing at 5 weeks pregnant?

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Many early pregnancy symptoms can appear similar to routine pre-menstrual discomforts. Fatigue. Slight bleeding or cramping. Nausea with or without vomiting. Food aversions or cravings. Headaches. Constipation. Mood swings.

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