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yes you are unless its by marriage

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Q: Are me and my grandma's grandson family if our grandparents divorced?
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In the following example which person is spending the day with her extended family?

Samuel, who will be with his parents, cousins, and grandparents.

What is the difference between blended and extended family?

The common example of a blended family is a divorced man with kids, who marries a divorced woman with kids. The kids collectively are "theirs". That is a "blended family". An extended family is starting with you, then your parents and siblings, then your two sets of grandparents, then your aunts and uncles, your cousins, etc.

Do penguins have grandmas?

Yes, but their involvemnet in family life is uncertain.

What will you do during Christmas vacation?

I open gifts In the Morining, Spend time with my family go to my Grandmas house, Also my other grandmas house!

Is grandparents a collective noun?

No, grandparents is a common plural noun. Appropriate collective nouns might be family or clan. Grandparents are members of a family or clan.

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go to grandmas house. ;D

What is the importance of elders and grandparents in your family?

importance of elders and grandparents in your family?

An extended family includes parents children and occasionally grandparents?

extended family do include parents children and occasionally grandparents.

What is a divorced family called?

Divorced. Nothing more.

What family relationship is your aunt's great grandson to you?

Your aunt's great grandson is your first cousin twice removed.

What second cousin?

Second cousins are the people in your family who have the same great-grandparents as you, but not the same grandparents.