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Q: Are new children of a noncustodial parent taken into consideration in a child support order in the state of Louisiana?
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Do courts take into consideration if a noncustodial parent has other children living with him when determining child support or modifying child support?

No. In general, child support is a percentage of net income.

How will my child support payments be affected if I adopt my fiance 2 children will the court take in consideration the additional 2 children in Louisiana?

In general, the law does not modify child support based on other children living with the obligor.

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If a noncustodial father has two children with the same woman does he have to pay child support on both children until the youngest one is 18?

Each case is treated separately so the first child will no longer receive child support when he/she turns 18 as with the younger child.

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Maryland does not have that specific provision, but all child support is rebuttable.

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Texas- if you are the custodial parent of 17 y. o. receive child support from noncustodial parent she then choices on her own to live with noncustodial can the support be flipped?

Yes, it can. Moving in with the other parent is grounds for "flipping" child support payments. However, this must be done by court order.