

Are dogs smarter than pigs

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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Yes. Pigs are surprisingly smarter than dogs. Scientist say that a pig is as intelligent as a three year old human.
That depends on the individual pig and the dog.

In general, a pig may be smarter then an american bulldog, chihuahua, english bulldog and afghan hound but not so much against a collie, lab, husky or poodle.

According to the person who edited, That means that pigs are on average the SAMEintellect as the average dog. Many studies have proven that dogs are not only the animal who exhibit the most human like traits, such as looking to the left when meeting someone new, but are on par with our three year olds as well.

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11y ago

No. Dogs have the intelligence of a 2 year old human, while pigs have the intelligence of a 3 year old.

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