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It is obvious by your question that this tooth has been absessed for some time. If you have never had these symptoms before, they could or could not be related this is why you should firstly make an apt. with your doctor. This is not normal. Secondly make an apt. with your dentist and have your tooth treated.

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Q: Are severe headaches high blood pressure body numbness and even seizures side effects of an untreated absessed tooth?
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Humans do not get headaches from high and low pressure systems.

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It can, the inflammation causes increase pressure on nerves, causing numbness in arm/fingertips

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It depends on what you consider too low. Many people can function very well with low blood pressures. If it gives you severe dizziness or fainting, then it needs to be treated. With high blood pressure you can get dizziness and headaches and if left untreated, can lead to strokes which can cause permanent damage to your brain and body. And, untreated high blood pressure causes damage to the lining of your vessels which cannot be repaired

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It would be normal to have headaches with Blood Pressure that high. You should see a Doctor immediately.

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Pressure behind the ear with numbness in and around the face could be cause by anything. It could be caused by an allergic reaction, high blood pressure, medication side effects and more. If the problem is an issue it is best to see a doctor.Ê

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Yes, it could be a mild stroke. You need to get to an emergency room when you have numbness like that.

What does pressure headaches and swollen hands or feet mean?

Go to the doctors.....

What causes numbness in head arms and feet and headache?

High blood pressure has many causes. Although headaches can be a sign, this isn't always the case. Go see a doctor and be tested and, you might want to invest in a wrist cuff to check it every day. Too much sodium in your diet, being overweight, drinking alcohol can be contributors.

Can sodium cause headaches?

yes it can. you need to watch out for sodium intake ESPECIALLY if you are African American. frequent headaches can be a sign of elevated blood pressure and elevated blood pressure can be caused by too much sodium