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THey can be, but then can be indicators of quite a few other things, including: * Hyperhydration (usually accompanied by an increase in sodium or potassium consumption). I.E. Water retention. * Over-use -- if you're not used to carrying a heavy load over a long distance and just did so, the swelling may be a reaction similar to a bruise. * If you're female, this may be related to your menstrual cycle. * Swelling ankles and pitting edema (if you press the ankle with your fingernail, and the fingernail mark remains over 20-30 seconds), this can also be an indicator of conjestive heart failure. If you have a history of CHF, call your cardiologist about this. * If the feet have been exposed to an antigen, this could be a mild allergeric reaction, but most allergic reactions include more symptoms -- especially itching and hives -- than just swelling. Were your feet exposed to something new? New socks that you didn't maunder before wearing? New foot powder. This can be exacerbated if you live in a low altitude area and travel to a higher altitude. For instance. my feet always swell on airplanes (which pressurize as if I were 7,000ft above sea level).

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Q: Are swollen feet an allergic reaction?
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Something can become swollen from an allergic reaction.

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Usually, ice. It might depend on why it's swollen, though. If it is swollen from a sting or an allergic reaction, an ointment would be better.

What causes swollen tongue?

A suddenly swollen tongue can be caused by an allergic reaction. A chronically swollen tongue -- in other words, the tongue becomes swollen over time and remains swollen -- can be an indication of hypothyroidism.

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There are many things that can cause a swollen tongue such as an allergic reaction. Body parts swell up and sometimes interfere with your ability to breathe when you have an allergic reaction.

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Hives is an allergic reaction. Stepping on something you are allergic to can give you hives.

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There are many things that can cause a swollen knot on a persons back. An allergic reaction to something, an insect bite, or an animal bite are things that can cause this.

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take it to the vet immediately, they are probably having an allergic reaction.

Why does a tongue become swollen?

This is typically caused by an allergic reaction. You may also see swollen lips and hives. If the person is experiencing shortness of breath and appears pale, cold, and wet, call 911, as it may be an anaphylactic reaction.

Do you have an infection your face is swollen and red?

you possibly could be having an allergic reaction to a certain food or even a new laundry detergent.

A physical reaction to a specific food is called a?

It is an allergic reaction. Some symptoms: *An itchy rash *Hives *Trouble breathing * Swollen tongue Hope this helped! :D

How do you get rid of a swollen lip?

It depends what the lip is swollen from. If it is due to trauma try applying an ice pack to decrease the inflammation. If it is due to an allergic reaction you may have to use an antihystamine and/ or remove the allergen