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Q: Are tension headaches a sign of pregnancy?
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Could frequent headaches lower back pains and lose of energy be signs of pregnancy?

headaches are not a sign of pregnancy.

Are tension headaches a disease?

Tension headaches are a disorder.

What percentage of headaches are tension headaches?

roughly 90% of people suffer from tension headaches

Is headaches an toothaches apart of pregnancy symptoms?

It could be possible, or it could be a sign of a fever.

Is getting a headache when going to the bathroom a symptom of pregnancy?

They can be, but probably won't be the only symptom.It is indeed possible that headaches can be a symptom of pregnancy. It is quite normal to have more frequent headaches as your body changes in the first trimester. There are several good research sites with this information on it if you search them out or ask.They can be, but they probably won't be the only symptom.I would not consider headaches a sign of pregnancy. Headaches can be a symptom of pregnancy. There are many contributing factors to headaches, even dehydration. A missed period would be a more reliable sign.Hello,Yes they are.ANSWERHEY...I started my pregnancy with the headaches. To this day I still have them everyday or other day. It is a sign of pregnancyThere are a number of causes of headaches in early pregnancy. It can definitely be a sign. You will usually have other symptoms as well.i don't know if i am pregnant i always have headahes,vomitting and sometimes feel backpain.. every night i feel sick..Yes it is a definitely one of the pregnancy signs.Anyone can get headaches, leading to signs many problems humans have. I'm going with no. Although, headaches do occur with pregnancy, they also happen to people who have stress. Pregnancy can be stressful.

Are headaches in the seventh week of pregnancy normal?

Yes, headaches are very common pregnancy symptoms and are caused by the pregnancy hormones

Is it a sign of pregnancy if you use the withdrawal method and have irregular periods and and are experiencing headaches nausea and cramping plus a light period?

Hi there. Yes these are all signs of pregnancy.

Is headaches and dizzness a sign of pregnancy?

Not all the time. Could be, but most likely it is something else. Go see a doctor.

What are tension headaches?

Tension headaches are headaches when you are super tense and it makes your head hurt. Also you could be really stressed and have a tension headache. When your thinking too hard, worried, feeling a bit upset, or the sound is really high up.

Are breast itching and headaches a sign of pregnancy?

Yes. I didn't have either, but I know some friends had both. If you are late you should test.

Will soma help tension headaches?


What causes tension headaches?

Tension headaches can be caused by many things. Dehydration, stress, lack of sleep are some of the more common causes. It is best to see a doctor to diagnose your headaches, especially if they are prolonging.