

Are the BME Pain Olympics real?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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BMEBME stands for 'Body Modification Ezine' or 'Body Modification Extremism.'

The site called BME is focused on activities of this nature: tattoos, body scarring, skin stretching, ritual burning, piercings etc...

There is indeed an official BME Pain Olympics, although many people debate whether a video titled 'Final Round,' is real or fake. The video depicts genital mutilation as part of the BME Olympic Games and has been banned by numerous websites, including WikiAnswers.

Opinions from WikiAnswers Contributors:

  • I would assume that there would be some sort of contest to see how far some people would go....only I don't believe they had intended it to go as far as it did in its so called "Final Round"
  • BME is very real and some people go VERY far (disturbingly so) in practicing it. Any body modification is a form of BME (tattoos, scarring, branding, even some BDSM type stuff). If you look over the BMEzine website, you'll see some pretty gross images.
  • The supposed "final round" video is what I assume you are talking about, the one where the guys lops off his "member" and little buddies. It's obviously clay or something, if you look at the size of the hole and the way that he cuts into it (like a hot knife through butter) it's pretty obvious. I will say though that if you go to, you will find a particularly disturbing one that kind of comes close and is 100% real...NSFW, BTW.
  • No, it's fake. The amount of blood loss when removing the penis would be far greater, even with proper tourniquets applied. Reason being is when the penis becomes erect as shown, the two corpora cavernosa (two tubular muscles) are filled with blood. So with the increase of blood flow to the penile region and decreased outflow, the amount of blood coming from the severed limb would be quite substantial. NOTE::: they DID TIE up their "things".. for a while, probably to prevent the blood flow? Also one must take into consideration the mindset of the individuals who undergo such extreme procedures. Often it is seen as an evolution of ones' self, hence the term body modification.
  • When all is said and done, stuff like this is not hard to fake by any means. Anyone with a working knowledge of special effects, anatomy, and an imagination can pull it off. No evolution is present in either of the subjects in the video; each is devoid of any genital piercing/play or scaring of any kind. The cuts are inexperienced, as many subjects have contemplated the acts far in advance, figuring out details, until thought becomes action. One can be lead to believe that the motives of such acts are unrelated to body modification.
  • 2 paraplegic guys did it.. (paralyzed from waist down) so it is real just not much blood and no pain to them, they are paralyzed there so not much else to do than make a completely disgusting video.
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No, it is not real if you would do that blood of your body would come out . Anyone who has spent any length of time in the ER would tell you that it is not real. There are some missing anatomical structures, and no blood. At the end of the original video (a part which was cut out in the viral edit) the creators of the vid say that it is fake. In fact it is the same person in every mutilation clip.

What is the link to the BME Pain Olympics? or just look it up google

What form of activity is BME pain olympics?

The BME Pain Olympics refers to a video of a man who cuts off his private parts. There have been a series of other graphic videos of people doing painful things to themselves.

What is the bme olyimpics?

The Pain Olympics, or BME Pain Olympics, is one of the events that occasionally occurs at BME BBQs, especially BMEFest. It is not endorsed in any way by the IOC but merely a contest to see who has the highest pain tolerance and stamina where the contestants come from a group of familiar people. Much like drinking games, these are performed at the contestant's own risk as a rite of passage, although the contestants do not intoxicate themselves.

What does bme stands for?

BME Stands For (Body Modification Enzie) BME pain Olympics . c o m or Bachlor of Mechanical Engineering or Be My Elvis or because of my Elvis or Biomedical Engineer

What happens to the guys after the BME Pain Olympics?

The BME Pain Olympics video "The Final Round" is a hoax. The original video had a clip at the end saying that it was a fake, however, most other sites that show the video have removed this clip. It was all done by one actor, some special effects makeup, and prosthetic genitals. Hope that helps you sleep a little better at night... PS go to

Who was the man in the BME pain Olympics?

A video released depicting two individuals who both indulge in acts of extreme mutilation and depravity, by removing the penis and testicles, one with a knife the other with a hatchet. It is said to be a part of Body Modification, more specifically, self inflicted amputation. Neither of the videos are real. actually, they are real. the two men died afterwards. do the research, they are real.

When was BME Recordings created?

BME Recordings was created in 2001.

What ethnic group does BME stand for?

BME: Black and Minority Ethnic

Where did the Pain Olympics originate?

The Pain Olympics originated on the internet via a viral video. The video entitled "Final Round" became widely known in many circles for showing extreme self mutilation, whether or not it is real is left to speculation.