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No, they are brothers, and not lovers. They do have various lovers throughout the series, but they have all been female.

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Dean and Sam's car in "Supernatural" was a 1967 Chevy Impala. =)

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Sam and Dean's father is named John Winchester.

Who is Sam and dean?

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What are the brothers names on the tv show supernatural?

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The subconscious associates Sam and Dean from Supernatural as someone who can help in a terrifying situation (aka nightmare). Also their likely infatuation with either of the "Winchesters" is a factor.

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Whose cuter Sam or Dean from Supernatural?

Dean yes ! definitely dean ! id go tu hell & back for him anyday ;) I love Dean's sense of humor but Sam in Friday the 13th riding a motorcycle was HOT.

Who is stronger in supernatural dean or sam?

I guess Dean because he had a tougher time when was young. But they work great as a team because they have different skills for example Sam is very clever but he is not good at improvisations like Dean