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Yes, to be specific, only the immediate relatives participate in this practice: spouse, parents, siblings, children. You can wear a black ribbon that gets cut.

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Q: Are the family only supposed to tear their clothes at a Jewish funeral?
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Who went to a Jewish funeral?

Friends and family of the deceased

Do Jewish people have simple celebration of funeral?

Yes and no. Jewish traditions surrounding death are very specific. Directly after the funeral, those who attended will attend a light meal, usually at the synagogue or another suitable venue. For the first seven days after the burial, the immediate family of the deceased (parents, children, siblings, and spouses) are not supposed to leave home or do any work, this includes cooking. Instead, friends and extended family come to the mourners to offer support and bring food for all meals. This seven day period is called 'shivah' and the home that the immediate family stay in is referred to as the 'shivah house'. What often ends up happening is the sharing of stories about the deceased. No music is allowed at a Jewish funeral. Additionally, the mirrors in the shivah house remain covered as the mourners aren't supposed to reflect on themselves. Women are not supposed to wear makeup, etc and men aren't supposed to shave.

What colour clothes do you wear for a family funeral and guest?

Anything that you feel comfortable in and that is respectful and tasteful for the occasion.

Is family supposed to carry the casket in a funeral?

It is traditionally family that carries the casket, however when family's are very small or not close, friends would be perfectly acceptable as well.

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Shiva is a name, like my name Shivani! Shiva is a god in Hindi

At a Jewish funeral can a Non-Jew lead the unveiling of a headstone?

The rituals surrounding death and burial in Judaism are very specific. The funeral must be lead by either a rabbi or someone Jewish (in non-Orthodox communities, it can be either a Jewish man or woman). Although it might be acceptable for a non-Jew to speak at a Jewish funeral in some communities, it would never be appropriate for that person to speak on behalf of the family.

Is it true that if some one dies in your family in Ramadan family members are not supposed to wear new clothes or buy new clothes for 40 days in Islam?

There is no substantiation for any such ruling in Islam

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Who do you think the people arriving for the funeral really are in Number the Stars by Lois Lowry?

In "Number the Stars" by Lois Lowry, the people arriving for the funeral are actually Jewish family members who are being smuggled to safety in Sweden by Annemarie's family. They are pretending to attend a funeral as a cover for their escape from the Nazis in Denmark during World War II.

What was tutankhamuns funeral like?

a very sad funeral to his family.

What is appropriate to bring to a jewish funeral?

It is not appropriate to bring anything to a Jewish funeral. If you wish to provide food for the family members of the deceased, your best option is to speak to a close friend to find out what arrangements are being made. Most communities with kosher caterers work with these caterers to make sure that all meals are taken care of.

What was King Tutankhamuns funeral like?

a very sad funeral to his family.