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There is no such thing as a werewolf. There are though demons, angels, and spirits.

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Q: Are there any other werewolves spiritually speaking like me or am i the only one?
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Related questions

Why does edward not like werewolves?

Vampires and werewolves are natural enemies.

What kind of werewolves are there?

There are some good werewolves and some bad ones too. But if you put the answer like this "Werewolves don't exist" then that's not an answer!!!! But it's true that werewolves don't exist.

Is Rahzar from TMNT a werewolf?

Yes. Werewolves look like Rahzar. Werewolves are red.

How many werewolves are left?

The deal well this world is to big to not have some things we dont think live. If werewolves and other mystical beans like vampires exist it would be a problem. Then there is the sightings that have never ended some say that there is werewolves and some say it is just a disease

How are werewolves born?

Werewolves, like Vampires, are not born, they are made, unless two werewolves mate and produce a child, which would be unfortunate for the child, as they would have to change.

Do werewolves eat lions?

Yes and from what I hear leprechaun like to eat unicorns as well.

How do humans turn into werewolves like the quilete tribe?

No. Werewolves do not exist. Inter-species transformation is impossible.

How does a werewolves hands looks like?

Like a human hand

What does werewolves feet look like?

They are invisible.

Is there such thing as werepopcorn you know like werewolves?


Do twilight werewolves like Jacob exist?

No, werewolves like Jacob from Twilight do not exist in reality. Werewolves are mythical creatures from folklore and do not exist as depicted in the Twilight series.

Do vampires like wearwolfs?

vampires are werewolves enemies