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fatty boy with wings of gold holding up our static mold giggle jelly flying high tucked between our earth and sky bye bye

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Q: Are there life forms that exist solely in earth's atmosphere thus being neither terrestrial nor aquatic?
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Can a bug be squished by the atmosphere if it were bigger?

No we don't get squished when we are leaving the earths atmosphere so neither would a bug

Is Mars made of gases?

Mars is an inner terrestrial rocky planet. Though there is an atmosphere is is very thin compare to the earths.

Do the terrestrial planets have atmosphere?

Yes. all the terrestrial planets have atmospheres. however, in the same area that there are 10 Billion Billion Atoms in earth's atmosphere, (about 1 cubic in) there are about 10 million atoms in mercury's. maercury has almost no atmosphere, and we don't even know what it is, but both mars and Venus's atmospheres are 95 % CO2, but venus's atmosphere is thick, even thicker than earth's, but mars's is thinner than earths. all the terrestrial planets have some kind of atmosphere.

Is the earths lithosphere the rigid outer shell of the planet?

The atmosphere is an outer layer of gas on a terrestrial planet. A hole in the ground caused by a meteor hitting a planet is a crater.

What is the particles outside earths atmosphere?

The particles outside the Earths atmosphere are called, meteoroids.

How do geologists think earths atmosphere formed?

how do geologists think earths atmosphere is formed

List 4 major reservoirs for carbon in the earth system?

The atmosphere, the ocean, and the terrestrial biosphere.Carbon can be found in the earths oceanic and continental crust in different types of stones as well as in the soil from the decay of organic matter.

What is the earths second layer of earths atmosphere?


Which terrestrial planet has the thickest atmosphere?

venus has the densest atmosphere

What is the layer of earths atmosphere farthest away from earths surface?

Thermosphere, it is also the atmosphere with the highest temperatures.

What do we call pieces of stone the enter the earths atmosphere?

Meteoritesis what we call stones that enter the earths atmosphere.

Would you find nitrogen in the earths atmosphere?

Yes, 80% of the Earths atmosphere is made up of nitrogen.