

Are tree porcupines mamals

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Q: Are tree porcupines mamals
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What are facts about the porcupines?

some interesting facts about porcupines is 1.when they are born their eyes are open a few days porcupines can climb up a tree 3.porcupines are nocturnal

Where do tree porcupines live?

Tree Porcupines live in tropical and temperate parts of Asia, Southern Europe, Africa, and North and South America. Porcupines live forests, deserts, rocky outcrops and hillsides, and even sometimes trees.

Where in the world does tree porcupines live?

they live worldwide, and also the name you are looking for is new world porcupines.

Where do porcupines make nest?

They live in tree hols.

What eats tree porcupines?

Big cats such as jaguars and leopards.

Where do tree porcupines sleep in the rain forest?

these nuts

Where do prehensile tailed porcupines live?

Prehensile-tailed porcupines live in most treetops and only go to the ground to find food or go to a different tree

Do porcupines hunt if yes what does it hunt?

It does not hunt. It is a herbivore. It likes plants,espaically tree bark

What are the tree porcupines enemies?

The porcupines main enemy is human, many cultures in Asia especially in Vietnam eat porcupine, their quills are also used to decorate traditional headdress and clothing.

Do all porcupines float in water?

The quills are very light and act as a life preserver which helps them float when they swim. The quills also offer a cushion if the porcupine were to fall from a tree.

Do Gerbils Have Fur?

Yes they do after all they are mamals but then again dolphins are mamals.

Will a blue spruce tree survive if the bark at the top has been stripped off by a porcupine?

I have no knowledge of porcupines but the tree should continue to grow below the damage.