

Are vampires really real in Mexico?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Answer 1

No. Vampires are just mythological creatures.

Answer 2

However there are such thing as "clinical vampires". These are people suffering from a mental illness called Renfield's Syndrome (also known as Vampire Syndrome).

This condition makes the individual display vampire-like behaviour, such as the desire to draw blood from another person via sucking their veins or arteries (not necessarily on the neck).

Elizabeth Báthory and Vlad the Impaler are real people in history that are believed to have suffered from this condition. Vlad the Impaler was also the inspiration Bram Stoker used for his famous vampire story, Count Dracula.

So, while vampires in the sense of creatures do not exist, vampiric behavior in the form of a mental condition does.

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