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Q: Are white spots on teeth caused by too much milk?
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Do white spots on your nails mean you need more calcium?

yes, try drinking milk.

Does drinking water get rid of white spots on nails?

No, The white spots under the nails are from lack of calcium. If you have these spots then try drinking milk more frequently, you can also try adding more cheese to your diet or eating yogurt.

Why deciduous teeth are called milk teeth?

their called baby teeth because when ur a baby you drink just milk and i think that it shouldn't be baby teeth because babies don't have teeth!

Does milk make your teeth whiter?

Milk contains calcium which strengthens your bones. It does not strengthen your teeth as you drink it, however the longer term effect will be a stronger bone structure all over your body, including your teeth.

What is one name for the teeth you have as a child?

milk teeth Deciduous teeth. Reborner teeth. Baby teeth. Temporary teeth. Primary teeth. In Asia: Fall teeth. In Europe: Milk teeth.

If white chocolate turns yellow is it okay?

When milk chocolate produces white spots on its surface, it is said to have bloomed. This is because of the chocolate's surface moisture, and these spots are either sugar or fat. Blooming is caused by improper storage (it's either too hot or has changed environments too quickly). Fortunately, it poses no health hazards, and is still good to eat!

What is caused by drinking milk from cows that ate white snakeroot?

you will get sick and die

Can you whiten teeth with milk?

no, it makes it stronger!

Does a milk snake have teeth?

Milk snakes have smooth and shiny scales and their typical color pattern is alternating bands of red-black-yellow or white-black-red

Difference between milk teeth and permanent teeth?

baby teeth (deciduous teeth) are generally whiter than permanent teeth. i.e. milk teeth are white, permanent ones are creamy yellow. of course this is different for everyone

What happens if you put a tooth in milk?

Only if you can't put it back in its socket.