

What are worms good for?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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15y ago

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in some enviornments earthworms are bad because they eat away at the forest floor. this makes some animals and plants lose their homes and sometimes their primary food source. some other types of worms like flat worms, round worms, or segmented worms are parisites so they feed off of other organisims

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Yes, they have lots of protein in them. I would wash it off first

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15y ago

Worms are good for mashing up all the soil. They are good for fertilizing the soil. Some worms are used against insects.

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Normally no. Maggots are sometimes used to help treat wounds, but other worms are generally a bad sign. Some bad worms are heart worms, round worms, tape worms, pin worms, and hook worms.

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No worms do not east pasta, in fact it's not good for worms they need to eat organic foods from soil.

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Skin is technical term used for Vertebrates only , worms possess integument which is epithelial and different in different worms .

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Worms, minnows, crickets..

IS Worms are a good sources of protein and fats?

No; That is gross

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No no no, if you are going to feed your leopard gecko worms you can try meal worms, wax worms or super worms are all a great choice for leopard geckos. (you can find these worms a pet store not in your back yard)