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Q: Are you allowed to volunteer helping out in a non partisan political office if you are active duty military?
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Are US military officers allowed to be in political parties?

Yes, they are allowed to be in a political party. They are allowed to be active in the party as well. They can support a candidate through contributions, volunteer work etc. However, they are not allowed to use their status as military officers to promote a candidate or a political agenda. They are not allowed to go to meetings and rallys in uniform or to otherwise leverage their position for political purposes. Bottom line, they have to be careful to keep their military status separate from their political activities.

WAVES were a womens corps for what branch of the military?

US Navy-Women Allowed to Volunteer for Emergency Service WAVES-Women Allowed to Volunteer for Emergency Service in the US Navy.

Can priest become senators?

Catholic priests are not allowed to hold partisan political offices. If elected, they would have to request suspension from their presbyteral duties or laicization.

What affect did Vietnam have in US?

The war created an all volunteer military and allowed 18 year olds to vote.

Should miltary recruitment officers be allowed on high school campuses?

Yes they should be allowed to recruit for our all volunteer military it is a great career choice for some.

Contribute to How did changes in the political party procedures promote the growth of democracy between 1800 and 1840?

Political changes allowed citizens to access polls, brought on rotation in office, developed bi-partisan groups, and even led to the rise of a 2nd party.

Are Freemasons allowed in the military?

Freemasons are allowed in the military.

What are the rules regarding women in the US military?

From WWII until the end of the Vietnam War, women were part of the US Army's WAC (Women's Army Corps); US Navy WAVE's (Women Allowed Volunteer Emergency service); etc. After Vietnam came the all volunteer military and the WACs and WAVEs were abolished in about 1975. Today-the US military has transitioned into a military/law enforcement force (effective 1990s) and is a equal opportunity employer.

Does the ASPCA hirer14 year olds?

I don't think so, but I believe they are allowed to volunteer. Jess: Yes i know the RSPCA for the A.C.T (in Australia) let people volunteer, not sure about other Country's tho. Foster care is an amazing experience (but it may be hard maintenance) Kids are allowed to volunteer with their parents but 14 year olds are allowed to volunteer.

Is spice allowed for military in Iraq?

Spice is not allowed for the military at all.

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Can adults join the JROTC?

Unfortunately no, unless you have retired from the military and become an Army Instructor or Senior Army Instructor, or somehow become involved by becoming a volunteer/chaperon, adults are not allowed to join JROTC as it is a student program.