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20-25% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, but having one miscarriage does not put you at any greater risk of having another. Good luck

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Q: Are you at high risk of having another miscarriage if you had one 4 months ago?
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Is it bad to be pregnant after you had a miscarriage 2 months ago?

It can be Bad, but not necisarily terrible. You have a high risk of problems, but Everything may come out okay.

How usual is it for a young woman to have a miscarriage within the first trimester of pregnancy?

Most statistics say that up to 12 weeks, the chance of having a miscarriage is up to 20%, or higher in people who have had miscarriages in the past or are at a high risk of having a miscarriage. Lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking, or using recreational drugs can also increase the chance of having a miscarriage. However, after 12 weeks, the chances drop to less than 5%, if your doctor has found a healthy heartbeat.

How fast can you conceive again after having a blighted ovum?

Hi i had a bighted ovum in February of this year, i was approximately 10 weeks when we discovered. The doctor advised me to wait 3 months after the D&C before trying again. We began trying in May this year and i am now six weeks pregnant with high HCG levels and a heart beat. I have a friend who took 6 months after a blighted ovum and another friend who fell pregnant within two months of miscarriage.

What are the risks of having a miscarriage?

Miscarriage is the most common complication of early pregnancy. Complications or implications of a miscarriage: It is a grave risk to the life of the woman. Uncontrolled diabetes greatly increases the risk of miscarriage. Women with controlled diabetes are not at higher risk of miscarriage High Blood Pressure during pregnancy, is sometimes caused by an inappropriate immune reaction to the developing fetus, and is associated with the risk of miscarriage. It can also cause premature birth or death of the baby.

Does implanon increase risk of miscarriage?

After you have the Implanon implant removed, there is not a high risk of miscarriage. If you get pregnant while on the implant, there is a increased risk of miscarriage.

Can After a Miscarriage the hcg levels still be high and show pregnant on a test and not be pregnant?

Yes it takes about 2 months for the hormones to settle and during that time the test will show pregnant.

Im about 2 months pregnant and im having on and off abdominal painand virgina discharge is it possible im gunna have a miscarriage?

Yes. The chances are quite high for you. Your child willnot make it. I'm so sorry. dst me! And if you want more info, try the question How to make homemade boods

What in store drug gives you high risk of miscarriage?


What can you do to prevent miscarriage?

Sometimes it is nothing that you can do to prevent a miscarriage. I am speaking out of experience, sometimes the female hormone count is not high enough to help carry the baby. Sad to say, it is sometimes better to let mother nature take hold, it prevents having a baby with a severe birth defect.

How high is the risk of having a miscarriage when you get pregnant with an IUD in place?

There is a slightly greater risk than normal. Nothing too bad, but a small one. If you are early in your pregnancy, you can get a doctor to remove it.

What are the chances of carrying twins after miscarriage?

shortly after a miscarriage the HCG levels are still high, this might cause multiple ovulations which gives twins..

If you arent due for your period for another week but are having pregnancy symptoms Is it possible to get a neg pt result but have a miscarriage before you confirm pregnancy?

Hi,yes unfortunately it is possible,a high percentage of pregnancys can spontaneously abort before and some people might not even know,sorry and good luck.