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The owner's insurance will pay if he has collision coverage. It Doesn't matter who was driving. the owner will have to pay the collision deductible, unless he wants to press charges against his buddy for "stealing" the car in which case the owner will have to pay the Comprehensive deductible. If the owner has neither collision nor comprehensive, then the owner is out of luck. The buddy's (who borrowed without permission) insurance company is not responsible for anything. They were not insuring that vehicle only his liability (damage he causes to people and vehicles that he hits but is not occupying)

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Q: Are you responsible if someone borrows your car without permission and gets in an accident?
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Who is liable if someone borrows your car and gets in an accident?

The fault lies with the vehicle that cause the accident. When someone borrows a car, the car owner can be liable because the allowed someone to drive the vehicle. Often this type of accident has to be sorted out in court.

Who is repsonsible if someone you did not give permission and does not have a license causes an accident my daughter who is listed on my policy did give permission?

You are still responsible for her and her decisions Legally the owner of the vehicle is going to be held liable.

Which insurance would be liable if our 16 year old son was involved in an accident driving someone elses auto with their permission ours or the owners?

The owners insurance will be responsible for coverage in an accident involving permissive use of their vehicle.

Would I be responsible if someone else is driving my car and they get into accident?

No. The driver is responsible.

What if you hit someone from back?

If you run into the back of someone's car, you are responsible for the accident.

What happens if you are in a car accident and you are rear end by someone with no license in a company vehicle and they gave him permission to drive and you are injured?

If the person driving the vehicle was doing so with the owners permission, IN MOST PLACES, the owner and the owners insurance company are financially responsible and you should be able to sue and get compensation.

What happens when you have permission to drive someone elses car and have an accident and you only have a learners permit?

then your both screwed

Can you claim on someone's insurance for an accident caused due to them parking on a corner blocking view of road?

If they were not parked illegally then they are not responsible for your accident.

If someone is driving your car and you do not have them on your insurance and they get into accident are you covered?

Although it depends on your insurance, the driver is covered if driving with your permission.

What do you do if someone borrowed your uninsured car without permission and was at fault in an accident?

Take them to small claims court for the damages. If they didn't have permission, you should have reported it stolen and had them arrested.

Who is responsible if a person left the scence of the accident and the car was registered under someone else?

The owner of the vehicle is responsible for whatever it does unless you can prove that someone else was driving.

Can someone be fired for car accident in company car?

Yes. You are responsible for the car and having an accident in it shows that you didn't take proper care of the car.