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Due of Charles' Law

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Q: As the temperature of a substance increases its volume tends to increasein temperature?
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As the temperature of a substance increases its volume tends to increase due to what?

thermal expansion

What increases the volume of a substance when the temperature increases?

The cause is the thermal expansion of the material; increasing the temperature the molecules become more and more separated each from others.

Why the slope between volume and temperature rise exponentially?

As temperature increases, the bonds between the particles of the substance break down at a faster and faster rate. As the state transitions from solid to liquid and liquid to gas, the volume the substance occupies increases along an exponential curve.

When the pressure of a gas increases at constant temperature its volume?

Temperature increases as pressure increases.

What happens to volume as temperature changes?

if volume of a gas increases temperature also increases

What happens to the volume of mercury as the temperature increases?

The volume increases, which is why the mercury in a thermometer rises as the temperature increases.

What happens to particles as the temperature increases?

As the temperature of a substance increases, its molecules move faster and therefore take up more space. This generally causes a substance to increase in volume when heated.

How are the volume and pressure of a gas at a constant temperature related?

They're proportional; as temperature increases volume increases.

How are the volume and temperature of a gas at at constant pressure related?

They're proportional; as temperature increases volume increases.

What happens to its volume when the temperature of a gas increases at constant pressure?

The volume increases.

What will happen to the pressure when temperature increases?

As pressure increases, temperature increases and volume decreases.

What happens when the temperature of a substance is increased?

When temperature increases, the volume increases. Firstly, we have to know that volume is refering to the space that matter occupies. When temperature increases, the molecules move vigorously because it receives energy from the heat. There will be more collisions among the molecules that causes the molecules to move to more areas in a medium. Volume therefore increases.