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Q: Ask us was the relationship between colonizing countries and their colonies?
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What is the relationship between colonizing countries and their colonies?

The colonizers used the resources of their colonies to grow their own economies.

What was the relationship between colonizing countries and their colonies?

The colonizers used the resources of their colonies to grow their own economies.

What was the relationship between religion and education in the colonies?

Religion and education helped raise children to be good citizens of the culture. The educational system in the colonies was meant to replace the indigenous culture with the Christian religion to make the natives obedient to the colonizing culture.

How did the creation of the Atlantic slave trade affect colonies' relationship with their mother countries?

It resulted in a triangular exchange between the Americas, Europe, and Africa rather than a direct exchange between colonies and their mother countries. -Jade

Is there any history between Ireland and Peru?

there could been when European countries were colonizing south america

What are the relationships between the original colonies The relationship between Northern and Southern colonies. Middle and Northern colonies. Southern and Middle colonies.?

The answer is: They were all major tools.

What was the relationship between English Civil War and the restoration colonies?

well the colonies were separated and they were fighting to be united.

How was the relationship between members of a colonial community similar to the relationship between the colonies?

They both relied on each other for goods and services.

What is tripartite relationship?

Relationship between three countries or 3 sides is called as tripartite relationship

What did the French and Indian War have to do with how Britain felt about the colonies?

After the French and Indian War, the countries colonizing North America shifted. After 1763 (Doc. A), English colonies dominated the new world. This took a toll on the political relationship between Britain and the American colonists because it lead to the Proclamation of 1763. The Native Americans (Doc. B) believed "they had no right to settle." The Proclamation was Britain's idea of preventing further conflict. However, the colonists were angered, and they believed they were being deprived of their right to be free.

One feature of the American economy that strained the relationship between the colonies and Britain was the?

One feature of the American economy that strained the relationship between the colonies and Britain had to do with international trade. More specifically, it was the increasing desire of Americans to expand trade opportunities to include countries other than Britain.

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There isn't any special relationship between Slovakia and US. There is standard, good relationship between countries.