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Assigning a code to represent data is known as encryption. Encryption uses algorithms to alter data in a specific way so that it become unreadable to anyone without the necessary information to decrypt the data.

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Q: Assigning a code to represent data is known as?
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One method of translating data into code is by using encoding techniques. Encoding is the process of transforming data into a format that can be easily processed or transmitted by a computer. Common encoding methods include binary encoding, ASCII encoding, and Unicode encoding. These methods assign numeric values or patterns to represent the data, allowing it to be stored or transmitted as code.

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Binary code is a base 2 number system, with only the digits 0 and 1. It is used to represent the on/off states of transistors in integrated circuits, with 0 representing off and 1 representing on. So, binary codes represent the possible states of hardware transistors, and the binary codes represent numbers and letters through a coding system like ASCII or EBCDIC.

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