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they can see from when they are born (providing the baby isn't blind) but how far they can see and colours etc improves as they develop.

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Q: At what age can a baby see?
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What age does a baby start to see clearly?

at the age of 2years

What is the legal age to see a baby being born?

With parents permission, any age.

What age can a baby see you clearly?

A baby can see clearly at about 1 year. Babies are born legally blind, and their vision is very blurry.

What age does a baby panda start to see?

When a baby panda is 1-2 months old it will start to open its eyes.

How far can a baby see at 5 weeks?

Yes a baby can see at the age of 3 weeks, but only objects no farther than a couple of inches away from them. And even then it is most likely blury and hard to make out what is being looked at.

How old can a baby get in sims 3 ambitions?

A baby is the same age as in the regular sims 3 ( 3 days) but if you get the newest update you can go to options and then press the age bar and then you will see that you can shorten and lengthen the age of a baby, a toddler, a teen, a young adult, a adult, and a senior. Hope that helps!

Does a baby see in black and white?

No, but their color vision is not fully matured until 4 months of age.

Would if your baby's dad is under age?

would if your baby's dad is under age would if your baby's dad is under age

What is the legal age to have a baby in Australia?

The age to have a baby in Australia is 18.and thats the correct age.

What age to have a baby?

people can have a baby at any age only if the woman have their period

What is the average age when a baby can walk?

average age a baby can start walking is 1

Do the can baby see?

of course the baby can see, its not fake.