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guinea pigs have very limited lifespans outside as they are susceptible to respiratory infections in the cold and DO NOT handle heat well. i would suggest getting your guinea pigs inside and if you cannot please surrender them to an animal shelter that can provide them the life they deserve. recent research has proven that even rabbits (who are much heartier than guinea pigs) should NOT be kept outside.

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Q: At what age can guinea pigs live outside?
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How old do guinea pigs have to be to live outside?

Guinea pigs are quite the ready freddy animal. They are born with all their teeth, eyes open and ready to run. If their mother lives outside the newborn babies will be fine outside. As long as it is not too cold or too hot.

What age to guinea pigs die?

Average life expectancy of a guinea pig is 4-8 years.

Why do giney pigs die?

Guinea Pigs like humans cant live forever and eventually will get to the age that something will go wrong, sometimes guinea pigs get illnesses or they are injured, its the cycle of life.

What age can guinea pigs babies?

The best age to breed your guinea-pigs is 5 months to a year old.

What age does a guinea pig grow hair?

guinea pigs are born with fur unless the are skinny guinea pigs ( breeds with no hair)

Can older guinea pigs be trained?

yes they can guinea pigs can be trained any age but if you train them its best to start young!! : )

What age can guinea pigs eat grass?

About 4 weeks of age.

At what age do male guinea pigs mature?

Male guinea pigs can succesfully imprenate a female guinea pig at (I believe)only 8 weeks of age, however it takes about 9 months for the guinea pig to be fully grown.

How do i age my guinea pigs?

it is hard to age a guinea pig but if its over 1kg then its over 1 year old

What age do guinea pigs walk?

guinea pigs are born full functional they are miniature versions of there parents with proportionally big heads

Can guinea pigs have tumers?

yes they can a guinea pig can live for abt 5 years and it's quite common for them to get tumours when around the age of 3 source: local vet.

How long have guinea pigs?

In age, they live up to 5 to 7 years. In size, they grow as big as a brick with rounded edges.