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You need to be 16 with parent consent. 18 without.

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At what age can you drop out of school in California with parent concent?

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13y ago

yes you can but you need a parent or guardian and there are papers you and your parents need to sign.

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17 years old.

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Q: Can you legally drop out of school in Nevada at 16 years old?
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At what age can you legally drop out of school in New Jersey?

In the state of New Jersey, you must be 18 years old before you can drop out of school. The law was changed in the year of 2012.

How can you legally get out of school?

The only way you can legally get out of school is to drop out when you're old enough. You are required by law to go to school.

Can you be 15 and drop out of high school in Las Vegas?

Of course you cannot! A 15 year old can not drop out of school. Most states have set a mandatory education age until 16, but Nevada is set at 17. You must be at least 17 in order to legally drop out of school. Please note that the unemployment rate for high school drop outs runs over 50% or higher in the current economy.

Can a 17 year old drop out of high school in PA legally?

yes legally

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At what age can you drop out of school in Berkley County SC?

To legally drop out of school anywhere in the state of South Carolina, you have to be 17 years old. You have to attend school in South Carolina until age 17 regardless of parental consent.

Can you legally drop out of school in Maryland at the age of sixteen without a parents signiturein Maryland?

Recently, in late March 2008, the Senate passed a bill saying that you must be seventeen to drop out of high school legally in Maryland, as opposed to the original sixteen years of age you could have been before March.

Now I'm 16 can you leave school?

Yes, if you are 16 years of age or older, you can legally drop out of school. However, a parent or legal guardian must sign for this to be legal.

How old do Cuban children have to be to legally drop out of school?

i donmt know

How do you drop out of school legally?

be 16 with a parent's consent, or 18 without

Can you legally drop out of school at 16 ny state ny?


How old do you have to be to legally drop out of high school in Washington state?