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on average they tend to hold their bottle at 8 months mine was 6 months but it all depends on how well they co ordinate using hand and mouth.

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Q: At what age do babies hold their own bottle?
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Can babies learn to hold their bottle on their own?

Yes, eventually.

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When they can sit up on their own.

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i am thirteen and i have two website so I'm thinking any age.

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They grow up and have their own babies, unless they die. Then they can't have babies.

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It is not legal to bottle and sell your own alcohol. You would need to have a liquor license and a business license.Ê

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How do you know your hamster is pregment?

You know when your hamster is pregnant when she starts to get bigger than she normally is. She might start to make a big nest in one part of her cage to prepare for her babies. This tells tells you they are coming soon. She will have small bumps on her stomach, maybe about 6 or 8. She will start eating quite a bit of food, so feed her often. DO NOT touch the babies until they are at least 20 days of age. DO NOT hold the mom until babies are separated from cage, which is when they can drink on their own.