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depends on the plant

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Q: At what temperature do plants die?
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What temperature do bean plants die at?

they die in hot weather

Why do plants need the right temperature?

i think plants need the right temperature because if it is to cold they could freeze and die If it is to warm the can get dehydrated and die.

How temperature affect which plants grow in area?

it can die and come alive.

How does temperature affects which plants grow in an area?

it can die and come alive.

How would the dropping temperatures impact the dinosaurs?

if temperature drops quick enough, plants die. if plants die, the dinosaurs that eat plants die. if those dinosaurs die, then the carnivorous meat-eating dinosaurs die. then, all dinosaurs die.

Why do plants die fast inside a house?

Plants die fast inside of a house because they may not be getting enough sunlight. Plants may also die if the temperature inside of the house is too hot or cold.

What plants die during summers?

Plants that are not native to an area often die or fail because of the soil type and weather conditions (temperature, water and heat).

What will happen if you water plants with different temperature?

well it will depends on how hogh or low the temperature is if it is too high it may die if its too low it may die

What temperature does a wandering Jew die?

That is really racist.Answer:There are no fewer than four species of plants by that name, each with different temperature needs.

How do temperature changes in a river affect fishes and plant?

If it is very cold fish and plants will freeze and die. If it is warm the plants will thrive and the fish... won't be effected?

How will plants die from the detergents?

Plants Will Die From The Detergents By The Detergents Suffocating The Plants Then Leaving The Plants To Die.

Explain how a global temperature increase could affect plants?

A small increase in temperature may help some plants, but will be damaging to others. A large increase in temperature will kill most plants.