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2835K (2562 degrees Centigrade, 4643 degrees fahrenheit)

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1243 degrees c.

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Q: At what temperature does copper boil?
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What is copper cattle?

It is not "copper cattle" is is "copper kettle" - a "kettle" is a special pot used to boil water.

Can you boil the water at room temperature?

yes,at room temperature by decreasing the pressure we can boil the water.

What is copper's state of matter?

Copper's state of matter is naturally a solid. But it can melt, and boil.

What temperature ethanol will boil at 50kPa?

The temperature is 60,3 oC.

Why does raising temperature cause liquid to boil?

Decreasing the pressure -APEX

How do you prepare carbon free water?

Boil the water till its boil . then it will be free from co2. ai bit dau

What temperature does sea water boil at?

sea water boil at 105 c

Does rock boil?

If heated to a high enough temperature yes, rock will boil.

Is liquid at room temperature physical property of copper?

No. Copper is a solid at room temperature.

When will the liquid boil?

When the temperature reaches the correct temperature (boiling point).

Can you boil the plastic off copper wire?

Just tried it, no you can't

How can you boil water at a temperature lower than 100 celsiuse?

Place the container of water in a vacuum & it should start to boil at room temperature.