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Q: By the end of what year had Sir Isaac Newton worked out the corpuscular or emission theory of how the effects of light are really produced?
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By the end of what year had Sir Isaac Newton wroked out the corpuscular or emission theory of how the effects of light are really produced?


By the end of what year had Sir Isaac Newton worked out the corpuscular or emission theory of how the effects of light are really produced By the end of reference site?


What year did Sir Isaac Newton work out the corpuscular or emission theory?


Who proposed corpuscular theory?

isaacc newton

What are the laws made by newton?

Laws of motion law of gravitation law of cooling spectrum corpuscular theory newton's rings

Enumerate the theories of nature of light?

newton corpuscular theory,huygen wave theory,maxwell electromagnetic theory and planck quantum theory

What is length of photon?

Photon do not exist in reality. Newton's Corpuscular Theory of light ASSUMES an imaginary particle PHOTON to explain various phenomena of light.

Is the scientific theory always correct?

Not always it may go wrong sometimes. In case of newton's corpuscular theory of light it was proved wrong as the light speed is found experimentally to be less in denser compared to that in rarer medium. According to his corpuscular concept, he declared that the speed of light will be more in denser than that in rarer. Same way newton's absolute time and absolute space concept were found to be invalid.

Who developed the theory about the effects of gravity?

Isaac newton

What are thee different theories of light?

Newton's corpuscular theory Huygen's mechanical wave theory Maxwell's electromagnetic wave theory Finally Planck's quantum theory LIght as a single "photon" acts somewhat differently than a wave (of energy).

Why was newton odd?

Because he had contact with Mercury which effects the brain and makes you go mad.

What planets did newton used to discover his theory of gravity to show its effects on Uranus?
